Global Sample Processing
Harmonization in Real Time
Sample processing is required in an ever-increasing number of clinical trials. Balancing turnaround time (TAT) requirements with the need for processing consistency across global sites is an industry-wide challenge.
With more locations worldwide than any other central laboratory services provider, LabConnect is uniquely positioned to address this challenge. LabConnect’s Global Sample Processing Network (GSPN) is an industry-leading solution providing a comprehensive and highly-qualified network to quickly handle your samples from site to processing lab, while maintaining necessary temperature controls to optimize sample viability.
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Optimize Your Sample’s Integrity
Employing standardized analyst qualification and real-time performance monitoring, LabConnect ensures consistency in processing throughout the network. After processing, LabConnect’s Sample Management continues to support your sample’s life-cycle through a state-of-the-art biorepository facility.
- Global network of qualified services
- PBMC isolation and cryopreservation
- DNA, RNA extraction, PBMC, frozen tumor tissue, FFPE, aliquoting services, and more
- Strategic focus on decreasing TAT for optimal PBMC outcomes
- Centralized global monitoring of specimen processing metrics
- Validated temperature-controlled transport options
- Monitoring of temperature, humidity, shock, exposure, and location in transit
- Controlled-room-temperature and 2–8° C storage
- Biomedical freezers (-20° C and -80° C)
- Cryogenic storage (-190° C)

Biospecimen Safety and Security You Can Trust
Our state-of-the-art, in-house biorepository provides short-term or long-term secure storage for samples. You can be confident that your samples are managed appropriately and constantly monitored.
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